OE OrthoPod
Join Dr Mohit Bhandari for uniquely honest, fun and insightful interviews with leading healthcare leaders, innovators and pioneers in orthopaedics. Topic covered include current interests, work/life balance, leadership and clinical areas.
OE OrthoPod
New Lancet Trial Bursts the Balloon: Subacromial Balloon Spacer for Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears
Season 4
Episode 6
In this episode, OE's Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Mohit Bhandari, sits down with author, Dr. Andy Metcalfe, to discuss the unexpected findings of the newly published RCT in the Lancet titled; Subacromial balloon spacer for irreparable rotator cuff tears of the shoulder: a group-sequential, double-blind, multicenter randomized controlled trial.